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All online bookings are subject to a visual inspection and confirmation of tyre size and specification. Please consult your vehicle manufacturer recommended tyre specification to ensure the product you choose is suitable for your make and model, including any tyre marking and homologation requirements (i.e. tyres optimised for a particular vehicle). All prices include new standard valve or TPMS valve stem/service kit, balance, environmental disposal, and VAT. Please note: all tyre purchases must be fitted upon purchase; we do not provide cash and carry services.
{address1}, {address2} {postcode} Telephone {telephone}
Fully fitted price
Price shown is per tyre and includes VAT, tyre, replacement valve, wheel balancing and disposal costs of old tyre.
Additional fees may apply for mobile fitting.
We recommend replacing tyres in axle pairs. Tyres with different tread depths on the same axle can cause an imbalance of grip.
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